Search Results: "Scott James Remnant"

27 October 2006

Scott James Remnant: Teardown

One of the feature goals for edgy was to make sure that the shutdown process didn’t take any longer than it had to, something we called Teardown. Basically we don’t run any stop scripts for daemons if they don’t do anything more than send the running daemon the TERM signal. These scripts were just wasting time, because part of the shutdown process is to send a TERM signal to all running processes anyway. The savings have been quite amazing, an edgy machine can shutdown in just a few seconds. One of the more amusing consequences of this change was Bug #61530, the new shutdown sound is too long so is still playing when the sound card gets muted and the player process killed. We briefly experimented with fading out the mixer, instead of muting it, but the sound is sufficiently melodious and subtle that the fade had to be several seconds long to sound better than a simple cut-off. Another suggestion was deliberately extending the shutdown sequence (with a sleep or wait) so that the entire shutdown sound was played before the fast shutdown sequence began. This to me seemed like a bit of a backwards step; we got the shutdown sequence fast because the user wants their machine off (or rebooted) – and that is something that should happen as close to immediately as possible. Happily consensus appears to be forming that with the rapid shutdown process, we don’t need any kind of shutdown sound at all.

Scott James Remnant: LCA

Looks like I’ll be heading to 2007 as well, my paper upstart - an event-based init daemon for Linux has been accepted! Now the difficult part of finding flights that don’t cost an arm and a leg!

2 October 2006

Erich Schubert: SELinux on Ubuntu status

In #selinux, we helped a user today to get some SELinux working on Ubuntu. I had posted before that I expect Ubuntu to be rather close to Debian in terms of SELinux support. This is not true. Ubuntu ships rather old versions of the toolchain and SELinux libraries. I doubt that you can use the reference policy with this toolchain; the selinux policy shipped by Ubuntu is no longer supported. Still these would mean that SELinux on Ubuntu would be in the same shape as it is on Gentoo. If it weren't for this critical issue:
sysvinit (2.86.ds1-6ubuntu8) dapper; urgency=low
* Disable SElinux again, nobody gave me a patch to fix the annoying message. -- Scott James Remnant Fri, 3 Feb 2006 17:54:55 +0000 Init. The process supposed to load the policy at boot, is not SELinux enabled on Ubuntu. At least the version in hoary. And edgy comes with upstart, which doesn't have SELinux support either, AFAIK. So to use SELinux on Ubuntu you'll have to build your own sysvinit (sysvinit from edgy might do the job). Or add SELinux support to upstart.

22 September 2006

Scott James Remnant: Upstart can now replace sysvinit

Today I reached another milestone in the development of upstart, the packages in universe can now replace the existing sysvinit package. Before trying this, make sure your installation is up to date as we’ve had to split out some parts of sysvinit into a new sysvutils package. If you’re up to date, and want to try it out, install the upstart and upstart-compat-sysv packages from universe. Note that the first reboot after you’ve installed the packages (from sysvinit to upstart) will be a little tricky … use reboot -f. If your system boots and shuts down normally, everything’s working just fine. Note that both will be somewhat more quiet than you’re used to, unless you have usplash running. Throughout the rest of this entry, I’ll try to answer some of the questions and comments that I’ve received since the last post. Events As I talked about previously, upstart is an event-based init daemon. Events are the primary force for having your services and tasks started and stopped at the appropriate time and in the appropriate order. So what are events and where do they come from? (Note that this part is under development, so may change in later releases). Events are just simple strings that may be sent by any process when something it is tracking the state of changes. They have no state or longevity, and if, when queued, they do not cause any job state changes, then they have no effect unless they are sent again. Jobs can list which events cause them to be started if they are not already running and which events cause them to be stopped if they are running. Multiple start and stop events may be listed, in which case the first to occur changes the job until the next one occurs. upstart itself generates the following system events: The shutdown tool included in the package also causes one of the following events to be sent once the “shutdown” event has been handled: Jobs also generate events whenever they change state, this is the primary source of events for ordering: And as mentioned, any other process on the system may send events through the control socket or just by using initctl trigger EVENT. For now this is just the event string, however it’s intended that the event may include other details including environment variables and even file descriptors. Typical example To clarify how it all hangs together, here’s an example (using fictional names) of how the tasks and events can be arranged to provide race-free mounting of filesystems. By breaking this job into these small tasks, we can see how the pieces fit together. Because everything is now done on events, there are no race conditions; we know that any filesystem listed in /etc/fstab will be checked and mounted. The only reason they wouldn’t be is if there’s an error of some kind, and that means you have larger problems anyway and the system administrator would have a shell to fix it. Of course, the moment they finish checking the filesystem and mount it, the boot process would carry on. There’s no reason that any of these events need to be generated by the upstart daemon itself, it can receive them from any other daemon on the system such as udev, acpid, etc. This keeps the focus of the init daemon narrow. A large part of the future development will be working out exactly what kinds of events we want init itself to generate, what kinds we want to come from elsewhere, and what the contents of an event can be. Getting Involved If you want to get involved with trying to nudge the direction of upstart development, you can join the upstart-devel mailing list at Or if you just want to grab the source code, tarballs are published at\scott/software/upstart/ and the bzr archive is at\keybuk/upstart/main

Scott James Remnant: Upstart in Universe

upstart is a replacement for the init daemon, the process spawned by the kernel that is responsible for starting, supervising and stopping all other processes on the system. The existing daemon is based on the one found in UNIX System V, and is thus known as sysvinit. It separates jobs into different “run levels” and can either run a job when particular run levels are entered (e.g. /etc/init.d/rc 2) or continually during a particular run level (e.g. /sbin/getty). The /etc/init.d/rc script is also based on the System V one (and is in the sysv-rc package), it simply executes the stop then start scripts found in /etc/rcN.d (where N is the run level) in numerical order. Why change it? Running a fixed set of scripts, one after the other, in a particular order has served us reasonably well until now. However as Linux has got better and better at dealing with modern computing (arguably Linux’s removable device support is better than Windows’ now) this approach has begun to have problems. The old approach works as long as you can guarantee when in the boot sequence things are available, so you can place your init script after that point and know that it will work. Typical ordering requirements are: This worked ten years ago, why doesn’t it work now? The simple answer is that our computer has become far more flexible: We’ve been able to hack the existing system to make much of this possible, however the result is chock-full of race conditions and bugs. It was time to design a new system that can cope with all of these things without any problems. What we needed was an init system that could dynamically order the start up sequence based on the configuration and hardware found as it went along. Design of upstart upstart is an event-based init daemon; events generated by the system cause jobs to be started and running jobs to be stopped. Events can include things such as: In fact, any process on the system may send events to the init daemon over its control socket (subject to security restrictions, of course) so there is no limit. Each job has a life-cycle which is shown in the graph below: The two states shown in red (“waiting” and “running”) are rest states, normally we expect the job to remain in these states until an event comes in, at which point we need to take actual to get the job into the next state. The other states are temporary states; these allow a job to run shell script to prepare for the job itself to be run (“starting”) and clean up afterwards (“stopping”). For services that should be respawned if they terminate before an event that stops them is received, they may run shell script before the process is started again (“respawning”). Jobs leave a state because the process associated with them terminates (or gets killed) and move to the next appropriate state, following the green arrow if the job is to be started or the red arrow if it is to be stopped. When a script returns a non-zero exit status, or is killed, the job will always be stoped. When the main process terminates and the job should not be respawned, the job will also always be stopped. As already covered, events generated by the init daemon or received from other processes cause jobs to be started or stopped; also manual requests to start or stop a job may be received. The communication between the init daemon and other processes is bi-directional, so the status of jobs may be queries and even changes of state to all jobs be received. How does it differ from launchd? launchd is the replacement init system used in MacOS X developed as an “Open Source” project by Apple. For much of its life so far, the licence has actually been entirely non-free and thus it has only become recently interesting with the licence change. Much of the goal of both systems appears initially to be the same; they both start jobs based on system events, however the launchd system severly limits the events to only the following: Therefore it does not actually allow us to directly solve the problems we currently have; we couldn’t mount filesystems once the “filesystem checked” event has been recived, we couldn’t check filesystems when the block device is added and we certainly couldn’t start daemons once the complete filesystem (as described by /etc/fstab) is available and writable. The launchd model expects the job to “sit and wait” if it is unable to start, rather than provide a mechanism for the job to only be started when it doesn’t need to wait. Jobs that need /usr to be mounted would need to spin in a loop waiting for /usr to be available before continuing (or use a file in a tmpfs to indicate it’s available, and use that modification as the event). This is not especially surprising given that Apple have a high degree of control over both their hardware and the actual underlying operating system; they don’t need to deal with the wide array of different configurations that we have in the Linux world. Had the licence been sufficiently free at the point we began development of our own system, we would probably have extended launchd rather than implement our own. At the point Apple changed the licence, our own system was already more suitable for our purposes. How does it differ from initng? Initng by Jimmy Wennlund is another replacement init daemon intended to replace the sysvinit system used by Linux. It is a dependency-based system, where upstart is an event-based system. The notion of a dependency-based system is interesting to talk about at this point. Jobs declare dependencies on other jobs that need to happen before the job itself can be started. Starting the job causes its dependencies to be started first, and their dependencies, and so on. When jobs are stopped, if running jobs have no dependencies, they themselves can be stopped. It’s a neat solution to the problem of ordering a fixed boot sequence and the problem of keeping the number of running processes to a minimum needed. However this means that you need to have goals in mind when you boot the system, you need to have decided that you want gdm to be started in order for it, and its dependencies, to be started. Initng uses run levels to ensure this happens, where a run level is a list of goal jobs that should be running in that run level. It’s also not clear how the dependencies interact with the different types of job, a dependency on Apache would need the daemon to be running where a dependency on “checkroot” would need the script to have finished running. Upstart handles this by using different events (“apache running” vs. “checkroot stopping”). Again while interesting, Initng does not solve the problems that we wanted to solve. It can reorder a fixed set of jobs, but cannot dynamically determine the set of jobs needed for that particular boot. A typical example would be that if the only dependency on the job that configures networking is the mount network filesystems job, then should that job fail or notbe a goal (e.g. because there are no network filesystems to be mounted) the result is that network devices themselves will not be configured. You could make everything a goal, and just use the dependencies to determine the order, however this is less efficient than just ordering the existing sysv-rc scripts (which can be done at install time). Another example is that often you simply don’t know whether something is a dependency or not without reading other configuration, for example the mount network filesystems may be a dependency of everything under /usr or may just be a dependency of anything allowing the user to login if it just mounts /home. The difference in model can be summed up as “initng starts with a list of goals and works out how to get there, upstart starts with nothing and finds out where it gets to.” How does it differ from Solaris SMF? SMF is another approach to replacing init developed by Sun for the Solaris operating system. Like initng it’s a dependency-based system, so see above for the differences between those systems and upstart. SMF’s main focus is serive management; making sure that once services are running, they stay running, and allowing the system administrator to query and modify the states of jobs on the system. Upstart provides the same set of functionality in this regard, services are respawned when they fail and system administrators can at any time query the state of running services and adjust the state to their liking. Will it replace cron, inetd, etc? The goal of upstart is to replace those daemons, so that there is only one place (/etc/event.d) where system administrators need to configure when and how jobs should be run. In fact, the goal is that upstart should also replace the “run event scripts” functionality of any daemon on the system. Daemons such as acpid, apmd and Network Manager would send events to init instead of running scripts themselves with their own perculiar configuration and semantics. A system administrator who only wanted a particular daemon to be run while the computer was on AC power would simply need to edit /etc/event.d/daemon and change “on startup” to “on ac power”. What about compatibility? There’s a lot of systems administrators out there who have learned how Linux works already and will not want to learn again immediately, there’s also a large number of books that cover the existing software and won’t cover upstart for at least a couple of years. For this reason, compatibility is very important. upstart will continue to run the existing scripts for the forseeable future so that packages will not need to be updated until the author wants. Compatibility command-line tools that behave like their existing equivalents will also be implemented, a system administrator would never need to know that crontab -e is actually changing upstart jobs. Does it use D-BUS?
“To D-BUS people, every problem seems like a D-BUS problem.” —Erik Troan
The UNIX philosophy is that something should do just one job, and do it very well. upstart’s one job is starting, supervising and stopping other jobs; D-BUS’s one job is passing messages between other jobs. D-BUS does provide a mechanism for services to be activated when the first message is sent to them, thereby starting other jobs. Some people have taken this idea and extended it to suggest that all a replacement init system need do is register jobs with D-BUS and turn booting into a simple matter of message parsing. This seems wrong to me, D-BUS would need to be extended to supervise these services, provide means for them to be restarted and stopped; as well as deal with being process #1 which means cleaning up after children whose parent’s have died, etc. It seems far simpler to arrange for D-BUS to send an event to init when it needs a service to be started, and focus on being a very good message passing system. The IPC mechanism used by upstart is not currently D-BUS because of various problems, however it’s always been expected that even if init itself doesn’t communicate with D-BUS directly, there would be a D-BUS proxy that would ensure messages about all init jobs and events would be given to D-BUS and D-BUS clients could send messages to init to query and change the state of jobs. What is the implementation plan? Because this is process #1 we are changing, we want to make sure that we get it right. Therefore instead of releasing a fully-featured daemon and configuration to the world, we’re developing it in the following stages:
  1. Principal development; at the end of this stage the daemon has been implemented and can manage jobs as described.
  2. Replacement of /sbin/init while running the existing sysv-rc scripts. This is the shake-down test of the daemon, can it perform the same job as the existing sysvinit daemon without any regressions?
  3. /etc/rcS.d scripts replaced by upstart jobs. These consitute the majority of tasks for booting the system into at least single-user mode, and contain many of the current ordering problems and race conditions. If the daemon solves the problems here, it will be a success.
  4. Other daemon’s scripts replaced by upstart jobs on a package-by-package basis; this will be an ongoing effort during which upstart will continue running the existing sysv-rc scripts as well as its own jobs. During this time the event system may be tweaked to ensure it truly solves the problems we need.
  5. Replcement of cron, atd, anacron and inetd. This will happen alongside the above and result in a single place to configure system jobs.
  6. Modification of other daemons and processes to send events to init instead of trying to run things themselves.
The current plan is that we will be at least part of the way into stage #3 by the time edgy is released, with that release shipping with upstart as the init daemon and the most critical rcS scripts being run by it to correct the major problems For edgy+1 we hope to have completed stage #5 and be at least part of the way into the implementation of stage #6. From the start of development of edgy+2, no new packages will be accepted unless they provide upstart jobs instead of init scripts and init scripts will be considered deprecated. What state is it in now? The init daemon has been written and is able to manage jobs as described above, receiving events on the control socket to start and stop them. This has now been uploaded to the Ubuntu universe component in the upstart package for testing before it becomes the init daemon. We welcome any experienced users who want to help test this; install the package and follow the instructions in /usr/share/doc/upstart/README.Debian to add a boot option that will use upstart instead of init. If your system boots and shut downs normally (other than a slightly more verbose boot without usplash running) then it is working correctly. Other types of events will be added as required during development and testing. Currently only a basic client tool (initctl) has been written, compatibility tools such as shutdown will be written over the next week or two before it replaces our sysvinit package.

Scott James Remnant: Having Left Debian

It’s been over a year now since my last proper upload to Debian, and nine months since I announced my intent to put aside working on Debian for a while. With Matthew Garrett’s resignation from Debian, several people have compared it to my own “resignation” from Debian. It has got my thinking about whether I currently intend to ever end my “Sabbatical” and return as an active Debian Developer. I think that the end of my love-affair with Debian started at Debconf last year where several developers treated those of us who also worked on Ubuntu quite rudely. Someone was attacked for wearing an Ubuntu t-shirt at the conference, while someone else was applauded for wearing a “Fuck Ubuntu” t-shirt. That’s where I realised that maybe I didn’t have as much in common with these people as I thought I did. I still don’t understand why Debian singles Ubuntu out for this kind of treatment, we’re still the only derviative distribution that makes all of our patches to Debian available, yet Ubuntu is claimed to not do anything at all. Another example is that Ubuntu is being asked to change the Maintainer field of every package, something no other derivative is being asked to do or has ever been asked to do. Martin Krafft has had some interesting things to say about this strange relationship in the past. If that was the start of my falling out with Debian, I think that Debian considering removing documentation and firmware from the distribution, especially the documentation, was another point I started wondering whether I shared anything in common with the project anymore. Call me strange, but I think that one of the fundamental purposes of a Linux distribution is to be useful to its users. If nobody can use the distribution because it doesn’t support their hardware, and even if it did, all the documentation has been stripped out; I started to wonder what it’s aims are. It became increasingly apparent that the only users Debian was considering a priority were its own developer. And the third thing is simply a matter of Fun. Fun for me, at the moment at least, has been to build a system that fits together extremely nicely with each component doing the right thing. For Ubuntu this has meant being a driving force for it being Linux 2.6 only, with reliance on udev for hardware, etc. Upstart is just a continuation of these goals, getting a system which all “just works”, even if it means throwing out a few things people were previously fond of. All of these things would have been impossible to do in Debian itself. Getting upstart installable required changes to twelve different packages, including sysvinit itself; at a worst case, this would have required the agreement of twelve different maintainers in Debian. It’s often exhausting just persuading one of the reason for the change, persuading a dozen would have been a herculian effort. Perhaps Matthew is right, what Debian lacks is a single leadership. There’s nobody in Debian I could have gone to for approval over the changes I wanted to make, whose decision developers cannot overrule. Ubuntu has such people (the Technical Board and sabdfl), which gives the project an obvious direction instead of a couple of hundred people all pulling in different directions. In a way, I don’t feel that I’ve left Debian. I feel like I was happily going along, only to realise the mob had gone in a different direction and with no easy way of rejoining the group.

Scott James Remnant: Parallel Peer Programming

Here at Canonical Towers we have several staff who worship at the altar of Extreme Programming, and as such many of the methodologies and rituals prescribed by that religion find their way into our day-to-day working practices. A few of these came together in an interesting way a few weeks ago, and it was suggested by a cow-orker that I blog about it so he could give the URL to people. The first ritual is that of the sprint, I don’t think this is orthodox XP but rather something inspired from it that we picked up from the Python community. With all of the Canonical developers scattered across the globe mostly working from their own homes, it’s become a useful tool; particularly for the Launchpad team. The basic idea for those that haven’t heard of it is simple, and perhaps obvious; you get a selection of the team together in one place, sit them around the same table with particular goals to complete. In effect it’s highly compressed facetime and high bandwidth interaction to nail those tasks that need it, before you head off again and work at a more sedate pace. The second is directly from XP doctrine and is that peculiar observance known as pair programming, something that is often coupled with sprints. For anybody who hasn’t encountered this before, it’s something I’ve always found rather odd. You get two programmers together, both itching to code, and you take one of them’s laptop away; and you don’t just force them to fight over the keyboard either, the laptop-less soul isn’t allowed to touch it. The theory here is that it frees the deprived individual of the hassle of coding and allows them to direct the programmer in ways that may not be immediately obbious, or alternately think about the next bit of work that needs doing. Another interesting side-effect is it can be an interesting way to learn code you’ve not worked with before, if you’re the one doing the coding and you’re being guided what to do by a sage who already knows it. I have a funny story here, so I’m going to digress from the main stream for a moment to tell it. A few months ago I was working in the London office, Mark had been up all night coding and had then given me responsibility to get his changes landed onto the Launchpad mainline. I’m not that hot on quite a bit of Launchpad, and fade to utterly clueless the nearer the code gets to the web application itself; and when trying to merge the two there were conflicts which I needed Mark’s help to resolve. Now as anybody who’s met Mark knows, he’s a pretty good example of a Type-A personality, yet he suggested that we do a spot of pair programming to get the code in and I’d be the one with the laptop as it’d help me get to grips with the affected parts. This hilighted something I’ve always seen as a problem with pair programming, dealing with it when the a person with the keyboard has a totally different way of working to you. In particular, I’m an emacs user, whereas Mark is a die-hard vim user; but also right down to the working directory I would work from, how I test results, etc. When you’re the one without the laptop, this can be quite infuriating, as you know exactly how to solve a problem and the idiot with the keyboard is dithering about doing things you don’t understand just to get there. If you’re a Type-A personality, you generally snatch the laptop away at this point and do it yourself; or at least you would, if you could drive the strange editor the other person uses. I swear Mark was sulking as he gave the laptop back and let me do it. Anyway, there is some relevance to that and we’ll come to it in a moment. The third and final methodology is the concept of unit tests and more specifically test driven development. For anyone who hasn’t come across this before, I highly recommend it; I was suspicious too when Robert Collins took it upon himself to teach me the true way, but now I’m sold. Simply the idea is that if you have any code that doesn’t have another piece of code in a test suite that checks that it’s working correctly, that code is broken. More particularly unit testing involves checking just one feature or requirement at a time, and stacking them together to test all of the code paths. I’ve actually found that this improves the APIs I design, as I write the code in small blocks and functions to make them easier to test. Test driven development takes it even further, you write the unit tests first, before you write the code they’re supposed to test; usually one or two at a time. Obviously these tests will fail at first, it’s then your job to write as little code as possible to make them pass. If your code isn’t right, you add a unit test that will fail, and modify the code to make it pass. This really comes into its own when you’re fixing bugs later, once you’ve identified the bug you write a test case or two that cause the problem; these will of course fail. You can then modify the code to make them pass, and at the same time be sure you’ve not broken other functionality because of the existing test suite. I’ve also found it really useful for particularly complicated or tricky pieces of code, especially those intricate algorithms that do particularly heavy lifting. So onto the event itself, this was a sprint in our London office to indoctrinate Gustavo Niemeyer with the various projects he’d be working on. The goal for this sprint was decided to start the conversion of HCT to Bazaar-NG, and to do this Gustavo and I would pair program. Now my last experience of pair programming had been that story with Mark (see, it had some relevance) and I knew I’d be just as bad if I wasn’t allowed to have the keyboard. I was also acutely aware that if Gustavo was just sitting by and watching, he wouldn’t get much benefit from it either, so he needed to be actively involved in the coding so he could learn the things he’d be working on. I came to what I thought was a pretty neat, and obvious, solution to these problems. We set up my laptop with the code we’d be working on, and on my display were two side-by-side terminals both running screen sessions. Gustavo then set up two same-sized terminals on his, ssh’d into my laptop from both of them and joined the screen sessions. In the left-hand one he ran vi, and in the right-hand one I ran emacs. Thus we both had keyboards, and both had editors, yet could see each other working and even steal the keyboard without danger of violence. We didn’t just sit side-by-side and code on different things though, that’s not pair programming and is just ordinary programming with a bit of a voyeuristic twist. What we did was: in my terminal I started writing the test cases for the code we needed, it was Gustavo’s job to write the code that would make them pass. We actually added a third terminal in which we could run the test cases themselves; so I could run them when I’d added something that would fail, and Gustavo could run them when he thought he’d made them pass again. This turned out to be a rather fun way to work, and at one point I was almost able to try and convince myself that the code was writing itself to pass the test cases I was writing. It also got me thinking that it’d be really neat to use genetic algorithms to breed code to pass test cases.

2 September 2006

Scott James Remnant: Having Left Debian

It’s been over a year now since my last proper upload to Debian, and nine months since I announced my intent to put aside working on Debian for a while. With Matthew Garrett’s resignation from Debian, several people have compared it to my own “resignation” from Debian. It has got my thinking about whether I currently intend to ever end my “Sabbatical” and return as an active Debian Developer. I think that the end of my love-affair with Debian started at Debconf last year where several developers treated those of us who also worked on Ubuntu quite rudely. Someone was attacked for wearing an Ubuntu t-shirt at the conference, while someone else was applauded for wearing a “Fuck Ubuntu” t-shirt. That’s where I realised that maybe I didn’t have as much in common with these people as I thought I did. I still don’t understand why Debian singles Ubuntu out for this kind of treatment, we’re still the only derviative distribution that makes all of our patches to Debian available, yet Ubuntu is claimed to not do anything at all. Another example is that Ubuntu is being asked to change the Maintainer field of every package, something no other derivative is being asked to do or has ever been asked to do. Martin Krafft has had some interesting things to say about this strange relationship in the past. If that was the start of my falling out with Debian, I think that Debian considering removing documentation and firmware from the distribution, especially the documentation, was another point I started wondering whether I shared anything in common with the project anymore. Call me strange, but I think that one of the fundamental purposes of a Linux distribution is to be useful to its users. If nobody can use the distribution because it doesn’t support their hardware, and even if it did, all the documentation has been stripped out; I started to wonder what it’s aims are. It became increasingly apparent that the only users Debian was considering a priority were its own developer. And the third thing is simply a matter of Fun. Fun for me, at the moment at least, has been to build a system that fits together extremely nicely with each component doing the right thing. For Ubuntu this has meant being a driving force for it being Linux 2.6 only, with reliance on udev for hardware, etc. Upstart is just a continuation of these goals, getting a system which all “just works”, even if it means throwing out a few things people were previously fond of. All of these things would have been impossible to do in Debian itself. Getting upstart installable required changes to twelve different packages, including sysvinit itself; at a worst case, this would have required the agreement of twelve different maintainers in Debian. It’s often exhausting just persuading one of the reason for the change, persuading a dozen would have been a herculian effort. Perhaps Matthew is right, what Debian lacks is a single leadership. There’s nobody in Debian I could have gone to for approval over the changes I wanted to make, whose decision developers cannot overrule. Ubuntu has such people (the Technical Board and sabdfl), which gives the project an obvious direction instead of a couple of hundred people all pulling in different directions. In a way, I don’t feel that I’ve left Debian. I feel like I was happily going along, only to realise the mob had gone in a different direction and with no easy way of rejoining the group.

1 September 2006

Scott James Remnant: Upstart can now replace sysvinit

Today I reached another milestone in the development of upstart, the packages in universe can now replace the existing sysvinit package. Before trying this, make sure your installation is up to date as we’ve had to split out some parts of sysvinit into a new sysvutils package. If you’re up to date, and want to try it out, install the upstart and upstart-compat-sysv packages from universe. Note that the first reboot after you’ve installed the packages (from sysvinit to upstart) will be a little tricky… use reboot -f. If your system boots and shuts down normally, everything’s working just fine. Note that both will be somewhat more quiet than you’re used to, unless you have usplash running. Throughout the rest of this entry, I’ll try to answer some of the questions and comments that I’ve received since the last post. Events As I talked about previously, upstart is an event-based init daemon. Events are the primary force for having your services and tasks started and stopped at the appropriate time and in the appropriate order. So what are events and where do they come from? (Note that this part is under development, so may change in later releases). Events are just simple strings that may be sent by any process when something it is tracking the state of changes. They have no state or longevity, and if, when queued, they do not cause any job state changes, then they have no effect unless they are sent again. Jobs can list which events cause them to be started if they are not already running and which events cause them to be stopped if they are running. Multiple start and stop events may be listed, in which case the first to occur changes the job until the next one occurs. upstart itself generates the following system events: The shutdown tool included in the package also causes one of the following events to be sent once the “shutdown” event has been handled: Jobs also generate events whenever they change state, this is the primary source of events for ordering: And as mentioned, any other process on the system may send events through the control socket or just by using initctl trigger EVENT. For now this is just the event string, however it’s intended that the event may include other details including environment variables and even file descriptors. Typical example To clarify how it all hangs together, here’s an example (using fictional names) of how the tasks and events can be arranged to provide race-free mounting of filesystems. By breaking this job into these small tasks, we can see how the pieces fit together. Because everything is now done on events, there are no race conditions; we know that any filesystem listed in /etc/fstab will be checked and mounted. The only reason they wouldn’t be is if there’s an error of some kind, and that means you have larger problems anyway and the system administrator would have a shell to fix it. Of course, the moment they finish checking the filesystem and mount it, the boot process would carry on. There’s no reason that any of these events need to be generated by the upstart daemon itself, it can receive them from any other daemon on the system such as udev, acpid, etc. This keeps the focus of the init daemon narrow. A large part of the future development will be working out exactly what kinds of events we want init itself to generate, what kinds we want to come from elsewhere, and what the contents of an event can be. Getting Involved If you want to get involved with trying to nudge the direction of upstart development, you can join the upstart-devel mailing list at Or if you just want to grab the source code, tarballs are published at and the bzr archive is at

26 August 2006

Scott James Remnant: Upstart in Universe

upstart is a replacement for the init daemon, the process spawned by the kernel that is responsible for starting, supervising and stopping all other processes on the system. The existing daemon is based on the one found in UNIX System V, and is thus known as sysvinit. It separates jobs into different “run levels” and can either run a job when particular run levels are entered (e.g. /etc/init.d/rc 2) or continually during a particular run level (e.g. /sbin/getty). The /etc/init.d/rc script is also based on the System V one (and is in the sysv-rc package), it simply executes the stop then start scripts found in /etc/rcN.d (where N is the run level) in numerical order. Why change it? Running a fixed set of scripts, one after the other, in a particular order has served us reasonably well until now. However as Linux has got better and better at dealing with modern computing (arguably Linux’s removable device support is better than Windows’ now) this approach has begun to have problems. The old approach works as long as you can guarantee when in the boot sequence things are available, so you can place your init script after that point and know that it will work. Typical ordering requirements are: This worked ten years ago, why doesn’t it work now? The simple answer is that our computer has become far more flexible: We’ve been able to hack the existing system to make much of this possible, however the result is chock-full of race conditions and bugs. It was time to design a new system that can cope with all of these things without any problems. What we needed was an init system that could dynamically order the start up sequence based on the configuration and hardware found as it went along. Design of upstart upstart is an event-based init daemon; events generated by the system cause jobs to be started and running jobs to be stopped. Events can include things such as: In fact, any process on the system may send events to the init daemon over its control socket (subject to security restrictions, of course) so there is no limit. Each job has a life-cycle which is shown in the graph below: The two states shown in red (“waiting” and “running”) are rest states, normally we expect the job to remain in these states until an event comes in, at which point we need to take actual to get the job into the next state. The other states are temporary states; these allow a job to run shell script to prepare for the job itself to be run (“starting”) and clean up afterwards (“stopping”). For services that should be respawned if they terminate before an event that stops them is received, they may run shell script before the process is started again (“respawning”). Jobs leave a state because the process associated with them terminates (or gets killed) and move to the next appropriate state, following the green arrow if the job is to be started or the red arrow if it is to be stopped. When a script returns a non-zero exit status, or is killed, the job will always be stoped. When the main process terminates and the job should not be respawned, the job will also always be stopped. As already covered, events generated by the init daemon or received from other processes cause jobs to be started or stopped; also manual requests to start or stop a job may be received. The communication between the init daemon and other processes is bi-directional, so the status of jobs may be queries and even changes of state to all jobs be received. How does it differ from launchd? launchd is the replacement init system used in MacOS X developed as an “Open Source” project by Apple. For much of its life so far, the licence has actually been entirely non-free and thus it has only become recently interesting with the licence change. Much of the goal of both systems appears initially to be the same; they both start jobs based on system events, however the launchd system severly limits the events to only the following: Therefore it does not actually allow us to directly solve the problems we currently have; we couldn’t mount filesystems once the “filesystem checked” event has been recived, we couldn’t check filesystems when the block device is added and we certainly couldn’t start daemons once the complete filesystem (as described by /etc/fstab) is available and writable. The launchd model expects the job to “sit and wait” if it is unable to start, rather than provide a mechanism for the job to only be started when it doesn’t need to wait. Jobs that need /usr to be mounted would need to spin in a loop waiting for /usr to be available before continuing (or use a file in a tmpfs to indicate it’s available, and use that modification as the event). This is not especially surprising given that Apple have a high degree of control over both their hardware and the actual underlying operating system; they don’t need to deal with the wide array of different configurations that we have in the Linux world. Had the licence been sufficiently free at the point we began development of our own system, we would probably have extended launchd rather than implement our own. At the point Apple changed the licence, our own system was already more suitable for our purposes. How does it differ from initng? Initng by Jimmy Wennlund is another replacement init daemon intended to replace the sysvinit system used by Linux. It is a dependency-based system, where upstart is an event-based system. The notion of a dependency-based system is interesting to talk about at this point. Jobs declare dependencies on other jobs that need to happen before the job itself can be started. Starting the job causes its dependencies to be started first, and their dependencies, and so on. When jobs are stopped, if running jobs have no dependencies, they themselves can be stopped. It’s a neat solution to the problem of ordering a fixed boot sequence and the problem of keeping the number of running processes to a minimum needed. However this means that you need to have goals in mind when you boot the system, you need to have decided that you want gdm to be started in order for it, and its dependencies, to be started. Initng uses run levels to ensure this happens, where a run level is a list of goal jobs that should be running in that run level. It’s also not clear how the dependencies interact with the different types of job, a dependency on Apache would need the daemon to be running where a dependency on “checkroot” would need the script to have finished running. Upstart handles this by using different events (“apache running” vs. “checkroot stopping”). Again while interesting, Initng does not solve the problems that we wanted to solve. It can reorder a fixed set of jobs, but cannot dynamically determine the set of jobs needed for that particular boot. A typical example would be that if the only dependency on the job that configures networking is the mount network filesystems job, then should that job fail or notbe a goal (e.g. because there are no network filesystems to be mounted) the result is that network devices themselves will not be configured. You could make everything a goal, and just use the dependencies to determine the order, however this is less efficient than just ordering the existing sysv-rc scripts (which
can be done at install time). Another example is that often you simply don’t know whether something is a dependency or not without reading other configuration, for example the mount network filesystems may be a dependency of everything under /usr or may just be a dependency of anything allowing the user to login if it just mounts /home. The difference in model can be summed up as “initng starts with a list of goals and works out how to get there, upstart starts with nothing and finds out where it gets to.” How does it differ from Solaris SMF? SMF is another approach to replacing init developed by Sun for the Solaris operating system. Like initng it’s a dependency-based system, so see above for the differences between those systems and upstart. SMF’s main focus is serive management; making sure that once services are running, they stay running, and allowing the system administrator to query and modify the states of jobs on the system. Upstart provides the same set of functionality in this regard, services are respawned when they fail and system administrators can at any time query the state of running services and adjust the state to their liking. Will it replace cron, inetd, etc? The goal of upstart is to replace those daemons, so that there is only one place (/etc/event.d) where system administrators need to configure when and how jobs should be run. In fact, the goal is that upstart should also replace the “run event scripts” functionality of any daemon on the system. Daemons such as acpid, apmd and Network Manager would send events to init instead of running scripts themselves with their own perculiar configuration and semantics. A system administrator who only wanted a particular daemon to be run while the computer was on AC power would simply need to edit /etc/event.d/daemon and change “on startup” to “on ac power”. What about compatibility? There’s a lot of systems administrators out there who have learned how Linux works already and will not want to learn again immediately, there’s also a large number of books that cover the existing software and won’t cover upstart for at least a couple of years. For this reason, compatibility is very important. upstart will continue to run the existing scripts for the forseeable future so that packages will not need to be updated until the author wants. Compatibility command-line tools that behave like their existing equivalents will also be implemented, a system administrator would never need to know that crontab -e is actually changing upstart jobs. Does it use D-BUS?
“To D-BUS people, every problem seems like a D-BUS problem.”
—Erik Troan
The UNIX philosophy is that something should do just one job, and do it very well. upstart’s one job is starting, supervising and stopping other jobs; D-BUS’s one job is passing messages between other jobs. D-BUS does provide a mechanism for services to be activated when the first message is sent to them, thereby starting other jobs. Some people have taken this idea and extended it to suggest that all a replacement init system need do is register jobs with D-BUS and turn booting into a simple matter of message parsing. This seems wrong to me, D-BUS would need to be extended to supervise these services, provide means for them to be restarted and stopped; as well as deal with being process #1 which means cleaning up after children whose parent’s have died, etc. It seems far simpler to arrange for D-BUS to send an event to init when it needs a service to be started, and focus on being a very good message passing system. The IPC mechanism used by upstart is not currently D-BUS because of various problems, however it’s always been expected that even if init itself doesn’t communicate with D-BUS directly, there would be a D-BUS proxy that would ensure messages about all init jobs and events would be given to D-BUS and D-BUS clients could send messages to init to query and change the state of jobs. What is the implementation plan? Because this is process #1 we are changing, we want to make sure that we get it right. Therefore instead of releasing a fully-featured daemon and configuration to the world, we’re developing it in the following stages:
  1. Principal development; at the end of this stage the daemon has been implemented and can manage jobs as described.
  2. Replacement of /sbin/init while running the existing sysv-rc scripts. This is the shake-down test of the daemon, can it perform the same job as the existing sysvinit daemon without any regressions?
  3. /etc/rcS.d scripts replaced by upstart jobs. These consitute the majority of tasks for booting the system into at least single-user mode, and contain many of the current ordering problems and race conditions. If the daemon solves the problems here, it will be a success.
  4. Other daemon’s scripts replaced by upstart jobs on a package-by-package basis; this will be an ongoing effort during which upstart will continue running the existing sysv-rc scripts as well as its own jobs. During this time the event system may be tweaked to ensure it truly solves the problems we need.
  5. Replcement of cron, atd, anacron and inetd. This will happen alongside the above and result in a single place to configure system jobs.
  6. Modification of other daemons and processes to send events to init instead of trying to run things themselves.
The current plan is that we will be at least part of the way into stage #3 by the time edgy is released, with that release shipping with upstart as the init daemon and the most critical rcS scripts being run by it to correct the major problems For edgy+1 we hope to have completed stage #5 and be at least part of the way into the implementation of stage #6. From the start of development of edgy+2, no new packages will be accepted unless they provide upstart jobs instead of init scripts and init scripts will be considered deprecated. What state is it in now? The init daemon has been written and is able to manage jobs as described above, receiving events on the control socket to start and stop them. This has now been uploaded to the Ubuntu universe component in the upstart package for testing before it becomes the init daemon. We welcome any experienced users who want to help test this; install the package and follow the instructions in /usr/share/doc/upstart/README.Debian to add a boot option that will use upstart instead of init. If your system boots and shut downs normally (other than a slightly more verbose boot without usplash running) then it is working correctly. Other types of events will be added as required during development and testing. Currently only a basic client tool (initctl) has been written, compatibility tools such as shutdown will be written over the next week or two before it replaces our sysvinit package.

16 August 2006

Scott James Remnant: Ricer Enabled

quest upstart% ./initctl trigger test-event
ping (start) starting, process 5029 active
script (start) starting, process none
script (start) running, process 5031 active
test-event event triggered

quest upstart% ./initctl status ping
ping (start) running, process 5040 active
quest upstart% ./initctl jobs &
[1] 5442
quest upstart% kill 5040
ping (start) respawning, process none
ping (start) running, process 5450 active

quest upstart% ./initctl status ping
ping (start) running, process 5450 active
quest upstart% ./initctl stop ping
ping (stop) running, process 5450 killed

11 August 2006

Scott James Remnant: Newest Software

I’m confused by your blog, Lucas There seems to be no point to it; you’re comparing the stable releases of one distribution against the unstable archive of another one with a completely different release schedule. Of course the software is going to be out of date! In theory, there’s only one time when both Ubuntu and Debian are in sync (for main, at least); that’s Ubuntu’s Upstream Version Freeze. You won’t compare edgy because “not many people use Ubuntu development versions”, I would argue that this is not true and that the development community at least have an edgy machine around by now. And I would argue that the same is true of Debian, it’s the development community that use Debian testing or unstable. A sensible comparison can only be performed between the stable releases, and then you find it’s quite boring. There’s a linear map between the versions of software and the date of release (e.g. hoary has later software than sarge which has later software than warty).

13 May 2006

Scott James Remnant: Re: Gloomy outlook... not

Of course, the fact that he’s never let the fact that he’s not actually allowed into that lovely garden STOP HIM going into that garden is yet another matter altogether.

16 March 2006

Scott James Remnant: Dapper's New Theme

I knew it reminded me of something… To quote from Top Gear:
Focus ST. Ok, the name is ill-chosen, you can get it in a sort of orange tracksuit colour that wouldn’t look out of place on a rapper and it’s bound to become the car of choice for Burberry check-wearers across Essex – but that doesn’t stop it from being a fantastic car.
The ST starts at just ??17,500. Which is really very cheap indeed, less than the Astra VXR. It can also be persuaded to do a respectable 30mpg, if you can keep your right foot in check. It’s performance is frankly staggering, it will go from 0–60 in just 6.5 seconds, which combined with open windows, loud R&B; music and your local town centre is a recipe to impress the ‘birds’.
Put simply, this is THE car to talk about in between pints of Stella while Rooney is sarcastically clapping the ref.
What does it remind you of?

3 March 2006

Scott James Remnant: Two years already?

This week marks the two-year anniversary of getting a call from a certain South-African and accepting his offer of a job at the little company he was starting to set up. It certainly doesn’t feel that long, time flies when you’re having fun!

22 January 2006

David Pashley: Web logs considered disturbing

I installed awstats today for the first time on my personal domain and reading though the search terms is always amusing, but I got concerned by people finding my site searching for "bonnie langford naked" and "naked bonnie langford". Turns out I was talking about Bonnie Langford in a post about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and the naked thing was to do with body scanners on the London Underground. But what really worried me was the search for "scott james remnant naked".

9 December 2005

MJ Ray: Bureaucracy, debian and the web

Reading old email can be entertaining sometimes:
"I've done this before, in various forms, and most of the time it follows the same predictable route: 25% of the time you get a really good committee and it's a blast for all involved; 25% you get a diabolical committee and it stands a chance of dying; half the time you get an average committee and it continues as it was before. The whole "committee" idea has some fairly major pitfalls to avoid: cliques, irrelevance and legality to name but three. [...] I think we should NOT form a committee."
-- Me, to alug, in April 1999 which makes all the crap from Debian-UK Society zealots like:
"While people like MJ Ray like bureaucratic bondage[0], it was felt by everyone else that the best constitution would be the simplest possible."
-- Scott James Remnant, to debian-project, in August 2005 even more obviously laughable. I didn't want a complicated constitution. I want either a minimally-complete constitution, or not to join it. They allow neither. Annoyingly, the Debian-UK Society is still claiming many DDs became members without consenting (which violates article 20 of the universal declaration of human rights), still seem to have permission to use the "Debian" trademark and still seem to be a business selling CDs and t-shirts. Violating a human right may mean they're breaking our Human Rights Act - quite remarkable for a small club. Also, I've seen nothing that suggests that they have notified the Inland Revenue, which I think can get them fined lots, so donations may be at risk. Tomorrow is International Human Rights Day (which centres this year on torture). DUS is a piffling matter, so it should be easy to deal with, but there seems to be lies, bigotry and ignorance in the way. Freedom to associate is one of the most practical human rights. It lets us act on our support or opposition to things. Defend it. I support debian but I oppose the way it's doing business in the UK. Do you support attempted conscription into an odd-looking UK business?

19 October 2005

Scott James Remnant: Parallel Peer Programming

Here at Canonical Towers we have several staff who worship at the altar of Extreme Programming, and as such many of the methodologies and rituals prescribed by that religion find their way into our day-to-day working practices. A few of these came together in an interesting way a few weeks ago, and it was suggested by a cow-orker that I blog about it so he could give the URL to people. The first ritual is that of the sprint, I don’t think this is orthodox XP but rather something inspired from it that we picked up from the Python community. With all of the Canonical developers scattered across the globe mostly working from their own homes, it’s become a useful tool; particularly for the Launchpad team. The basic idea for those that haven’t heard of it is simple, and perhaps obvious; you get a selection of the team together in one place, sit them around the same table with particular goals to complete. In effect it’s highly compressed facetime and high bandwidth interaction to nail those tasks that need it, before you head off again and work at a more sedate pace. The second is directly from XP doctrine and is that peculiar observance known as pair programming, something that is often coupled with sprints. For anybody who hasn’t encountered this before, it’s something I’ve always found rather odd. You get two programmers together, both itching to code, and you take one of them’s laptop away; and you don’t just force them to fight over the keyboard either, the laptop-less soul isn’t allowed to touch it. The theory here is that it frees the deprived individual of the hassle of coding and allows them to direct the programmer in ways that may not be immediately obbious, or alternately think about the next bit of work that needs doing. Another interesting side-effect is it can be an interesting way to learn code you’ve not worked with before, if you’re the one doing the coding and you’re being guided what to do by a sage who already knows it. I have a funny story here, so I’m going to digress from the main stream for a moment to tell it. A few months ago I was working in the London office, Mark had been up all night coding and had then given me responsibility to get his changes landed onto the Launchpad mainline. I’m not that hot on quite a bit of Launchpad, and fade to utterly clueless the nearer the code gets to the web application itself; and when trying to merge the two there were conflicts which I needed Mark’s help to resolve. Now as anybody who’s met Mark knows, he’s a pretty good example of a Type-A personality, yet he suggested that we do a spot of pair programming to get the code in and I’d be the one with the laptop as it’d help me get to grips with the affected parts. This hilighted something I’ve always seen as a problem with pair programming, dealing with it when the a person with the keyboard has a totally different way of working to you. In particular, I’m an emacs user, whereas Mark is a die-hard vim user; but also right down to the working directory I would work from, how I test results, etc. When you’re the one without the laptop, this can be quite infuriating, as you know exactly how to solve a problem and the idiot with the keyboard is dithering about doing things you don’t understand just to get there. If you’re a Type-A personality, you generally snatch the laptop away at this point and do it yourself; or at least you would, if you could drive the strange editor the other person uses. I swear Mark was sulking as he gave the laptop back and let me do it. Anyway, there is some relevance to that and we’ll come to it in a moment. The third and final methodology is the concept of unit tests and more specifically test driven development. For anyone who hasn’t come across this before, I highly recommend it; I was suspicious too when Robert Collins took it upon himself to teach me the true way, but now I’m sold. Simply the idea is that if you have any code that doesn’t have another piece of code in a test suite that checks that it’s working correctly, that code is broken. More particularly unit testing involves checking just one feature or requirement at a time, and stacking them together to test all of the code paths. I’ve actually found that this improves the APIs I design, as I write the code in small blocks and functions to make them easier to test. Test driven development takes it even further, you write the unit tests first, before you write the code they’re supposed to test; usually one or two at a time. Obviously these tests will fail at first, it’s then your job to write as little code as possible to make them pass. If your code isn’t right, you add a unit test that will fail, and modify the code to make it pass. This really comes into its own when you’re fixing bugs later, once you’ve identified the bug you write a test case or two that cause the problem; these will of course fail. You can then modify the code to make them pass, and at the same time be sure you’ve not broken other functionality because of the existing test suite. I’ve also found it really useful for particularly complicated or tricky pieces of code, especially those intricate algorithms that do particularly heavy lifting. So onto the event itself, this was a sprint in our London office to indoctrinate Gustavo Niemeyer with the various projects he’d be working on. The goal for this sprint was decided to start the conversion of HCT to Bazaar-NG, and to do this Gustavo and I would pair program. Now my last experience of pair programming had been that story with Mark (see, it had some relevance) and I knew I’d be just as bad if I wasn’t allowed to have the keyboard. I was also acutely aware that if Gustavo was just sitting by and watching, he wouldn’t get much benefit from it either, so he needed to be actively involved in the coding so he could learn the things he’d be working on. I came to what I thought was a pretty neat, and obvious, solution to these problems. We set up my laptop with the code we’d be working on, and on my display were two side-by-side terminals both running screen sessions. Gustavo then set up two same-sized terminals on his, ssh’d into my laptop from both of them and joined the screen sessions. In the left-hand one he ran vi, and in the right-hand one I ran emacs. Thus we both had keyboards, and both had editors, yet could see each other working and even steal the keyboard without danger of violence. We didn’t just sit side-by-side and code on different things though, that’s not pair programming and is just ordinary programming with a bit of a voyeuristic twist. What we did was: in my terminal I started writing the test cases for the code we needed, it was Gustavo’s job to write the code that would make them pass. We actually added a third terminal in which we could run the test cases themselves; so I could run them when I’d added something that would fail, and Gustavo could run them when he thought he’d made them pass again. This turned out to be a rather fun way to work, and at one point I was almost able to try and convince myself that the code was writing itself to pass the test cases I was writing. It also got me thinking that it’d be really neat to use genetic algorithms to breed code to pass test cases.

18 October 2005

Scott James Remnant: live-f1

And while I’m briefly in the blogging mood, I thought I may as well wax lyrical about another of my recent weekend projects. As anybody who vaugely knows me is aware, I’m a bit of an F1-nut and watch every Grand Prix religiously. For a couple of years now the official Formula 1 website has had a Java applet that recieves the live timing data from the races and displays it on your screen. Obviously this depended on Java, which is a bad thing. But curiously the main thing that inspired this project was that the applet uses pretty small fonts, and isn’t resizable; so you can’t stick your laptop on the table and glance at it during the race. So a race weekend a couple of weeks back, the one where FERNANDO ALONSO was busy winning the World Championship, in fact I tcpdumped the network traffic while running the Java applet and set about figuring out exactly how it worked. The result a nice curses C application that does much the same thing: I don’t plan on releasing it properly until the start of the 2006 season, when I hope to have added some useful features into it that the Java applet lacks, but it’s coming along nicely. Update: I didn’t actually intend to live you all hanging quite like that… you can play with the code today (though there’s obviously no race to watch) by grabbing it with bzr from It’s written in C and you’ll need libncurses5-dev and libneon24-dev to build it.

Scott James Remnant: bzrk 0.1

Over the weekend in a stunning example of timing, fabbione showed me a screenshot of gitk, the branch visualisation tool for git that he’s discovered while getting the Ubuntu kernel patches into a branch. He, quite rightly, was upset that we didn’t have anything like this for bzr. Well, we do now: It’s implemented as a bzr plugin, so you simply run “bzr visualise” (or “bzr viz”) in a working tree and the window opens to show you the history. Download here

